Saturday, April 4, 2009

Web Design Company

A great looking website is a stepping stone for success. Uninspiring websites or marginal designs leave the visitor thinking that a company is unprofessional. Have one of our creative website designers give your business the online presence that it needs. A modern professionally designed website gives customers confidence in your company, and makes your business more accessible. Add this to the power of Search Engine Optimization, and your website will start generating more visitors, as well as more repeat visitors.

Larger businesses and organizations, web development teams can consist of hundreds of people (web developers). Smaller organizations may only require a single permanent or contracting webmaster, or secondary assignment to related job positions such as a graphic designer and/or Information systems technician. Web development may be a collaborative effort between departments rather than the domain of a designated department.

White Shaarks(ws) is an Internet marketing firm with specialist technical skills and high level marketing expertise. WS understand the complex and rapidly evolving ways in which the Internet is used by audiences around the world. WS also possess excellent local market knowledge, and can fast develop an accurate insight into your target audience. This means that WS know exactly which types of online media forms to choose and which techniques to adopt in promoting your website.

Our proven web development, web design processes coupled with our enormously successful search engine optimization (SEO) services will help your sales catch up with your expectations.

Our business is improving your business so we focus on coming up with the right online solutions to increase your sales, automate your company business processes and place all of the information you need to make decisions at your fingertips.

Top 10 Search Results

Top 10 positioning in search engines is the most effective form of online marketing. Our search engine optimization services have proven procedures that are designed to push your Web on to the first page (top 10) of search engine results.

Site Promotion

White Shaarks provides web site promotion services to clients across all business sectors, from SMEs to Australia’s largest corporations. Our capabilities include website design & development, eCommerce websites, search engine marketing, email marketing, campaign management and reporting.

Software Development Company (White Shaarks)can develop and manage custom website programming services that are affordable, user-friendly and completely customizable. We use different custom programming languages such ASP, PHP, JAVA, .NET, Perl, C & C++, C#, Flash, animation, HTML, Oracle, data base languages, cold fusion for custom software development and custom website development. web design company

SEO Strategy-Pump Up Your Page Title

If you're trying to increase your search engine placement, a terrific yet simple seo strategy is page title optimization. It's an easy exercise, and your page will show an almost immediate improvement in your search engine placement. The improvement will be swift. So, how do you optimize your page title? Well,I told you it was easy, You simply enter your primary keyword, or keyword phrase, into the title tag in the head section of your webpage html. Now, the keyword must be the primary keyword or keyword phrase on your webpage. A primary keyword is the word or words you would use, to most effectively describe your webpage's content, or service.

Many website builders overlook the importance of this simple seo strategy when they publish their page. Google and the other search engines attach a high value to your page title when your site is ranked for search engine placement. When you use your primary keyword, the keyword you want people to use in finding your site, in your page title, it is automatically bolded in the search results when someone searches for your webpage. This helps your website stand out from the rest.

If you are not already using your keywords in your page title, you should start using them today. This strategy, is guaranteed to improve your seo rankings. Although this is a simple solution, it may be the most important on-site seo strategy of all. What makes this strategy so important? The search engines display your page title as the header in the search engine results, it's the first thing your searcher sees in the results. This golden seo strategy allows you to control the first message your visitor sees. Try this seo strategy free for 30 days, then I'm going to have to start charging. Just kidding. web design company